Mission, Objectives and Goals of the
Nevada/California Regional Alumni Association (NCRAA)


Mission Statement

The mission of the NCRAA is to support the people, programs, and priorities of the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. Alumni have valuable contributions to make to Phi Theta Kappa. Through alumni support, the integrity of the Society’s programs and service will be protected and new programs and services can be developed and offered in the future.



  • Stay abreast of Phi Theta Kappa programs and people through publications.
  • Provide recognition to outstanding two-year college members and advisors.
  • Assist two-year college chapters, members, and advisors when possible.
  • Provide support for two-year chapter members to attend regional and international events and meetings.
  • Work in collaborative activities with the two-year college chapters to support the college and the community.
  • Support the Society’s two-year programs and people.
  • Provide programs and materials designed to support members’ transfer from the two-year college to a senior institution.


Based on the Alumni Five Star Plan, how many stars will your Association attempt to reach?



What are ways the Association can assist members and chapters to reach their goals?

  • Communicate with chapters via social media, the regional listserv, and emails to offer assistance.
  • Based upon availability and location, assist chapters to reach their chapter goal to reach five-star status.
  • Maintain liaison status with the region, attend regional teleconferences and report findings to Alumni Association in order to assist the region with goals, conferences, and chapter projects.
  • Find out what the regions and chapters goals are and offer assistance with Action Plans.

Action Plans

Continue and maintain communication within the region to contact and work with chapters to assist with expertise and knowledge of Phi Theta Kappa programs.

Assist individuals and chapters in working with the Honors in Action (HiA) Program as well as The College Project. Provide information and assistance, where appropriate, with transfer students with their goals of transferring to institutions. Assist the region in preparation of conferences, including but not limited to, assisting regional officers with their educational forums at the spring convention and fall conference as well as providing assistance to the regional coordinators, officers, and advisors with elections of the upcoming Regional Board to assist with developing plans and goals.





We, the members of the Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Association, hereby associate ourselves to continue to uphold the purposes of Phi Theta Kappa; provide a continuing fellowship of Phi Theta Kappa members; help our fellow members and their advisors; and recognize and encourage scholarship and leadership among Phi Theta Kappans.  Inasmuch as the Association is an extension of Phi Theta Kappa and its chapters, colleges, regions and senior institution partners, the Association is subject to all applicable rules and policies as introduced by Headquarters and its representatives. The Association’s program of work is at the discretion of regional coordinators, advisors, and Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters for the benefit of current and future Phi Theta Kappa members.


Article 1

Name and Purpose of the Organization

The name of this organization shall be the Nevada/California Regional Alumni Association (NCRAA) of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (hereafter: The Association).  The purpose of the Association is to support and promote the people, programs and priorities of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and the Nevada/California Region.


Article II


Alumni members shall be former active members of the Society who left their chapter in good standing.  All members of the Association will adhere to Phi Theta Kappa’s Code of Ethics.  Discrimination based on gender, family or marital status, race, color, national origin, military or veteran status, economic status, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, genetic information or history, age, disability, political affiliation, and cultural and religious backgrounds is prohibited.

 Section 1.   Active Members.

Active members of the Association shall be alumni of Phi Theta Kappa; have been active members in good standing of Phi Theta Kappa at a two-year college.

 Section 2.   Honorary Members.

Honorary members shall be persons who have rendered distinguished service to the Association.

  1. Honorary members shall not have the right to vote, hold office or represent the Society. Nor shall honorary members be asked to pay membership fees to the Association.

Article III

Officers and Duties

The elected officers of this organization shall be: President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Communications, Director of Technology and Directors-at-large. All officers will serve members, chapters, and regions of Phi Theta Kappa – to include responsibilities defined in the by-laws and duties that arise with the needs of those the Association pledges to support.


Section 1.    President | The duties of the President shall be to preside over all alumni association meetings, to serve as chair of the Executive Board, to appoint all committees, to enforce the by-laws, to call special meetings, to act as spokesperson for the Alumni Association, to propose or second a spending or other recommendation and to ensure that proper procedures are followed according to Phi Theta Kappa policies and procedures.  The President will report Association activities and goals to appropriate advisor(s), regional coordinator(s), and Headquarters staff. In the event the Association Advisor is unavailable to sign duly authorized checks, the Treasurer and/ or Association President may sign them as stated under Article III, Section 3.

Section 2.     Executive Vice President | The duties of the Executive Vice President shall be to serve as Acting President in the absence of the President, to serve on the Executive Board, to serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, to act as liaison with the Regional Board requiring attendance at the Regional Board’s teleconferences.

Section 3.     Treasurer| The duties of the Treasurer shall be to serve on the Executive Board, to collect fees, to maintain accurate accounting records, to deposit promptly into the Phi Theta Kappa account all money received, to process applicable payments, and to render financial reports upon request.  Financial reports should be submitted at least once a year to all appropriate advisors/coordinators and Headquarters. The Treasurer will share check signing abilities with the Association President and Association Advisors. However, the check book will reside with Association Advisor who shall have the primary duty to issue and sign checks. In the event the Association Advisor is unavailable to sign duly authorized checks, the Treasurer and/ or Association President may sign them as stated under Article III, Section 3.
Section 4.     Secretary | The duties of the Secretary shall be to serve on the Executive Board, to keep the minutes of the Executive Board and General Assembly meetings, to maintain a membership roster, to provide members and advisor(s) with one week’s notification of all meetings, to take roll call, to act as corresponding agent at all levels – including with represented regions, chapters, colleges, or universities.

Section 5.   Director of Communications | The duties of the Director of Communications shall be to serve on the Executive Board, to coordinate and publish Alumni newsletters, to maintain the listserv for communication with members, to advertise alumni events and facilitate all communication for the NCRAA social media platforms.

Section 6.   Director of Technology | The duties of the Director of Technology shall be to serve on the Executive Board, to maintain the NCRAA website, to advertise alumni events on the website, maintain access and passwords to all social media and web-based accounts to be shared with the Alumni advisors for the later transition of officers.

Section 7.   Directors-at-large |The Directors-at-large(s) shall serve to improve the NCRAA by attending Alumni Association Board meetings; assisting other Board members as needed; and to encourage and assist chapter members of Phi Theta Kappa. There will be a minimum on one Director-at-large and as many as ten, or as needed.

Section 8.   Sponsor Liaison | The Sponsor Liaison is an appointed 2-year executive board position. The Sponsor Liaison is appointed by the President and is responsible for coordinating with four and two-year learning institutions, private educational institutions, and workforce partners to introduce Phi Theta Kappa members to transfer, scholarship opportunities and potential employment opportunities during the Regional conferences and conventions. The Sponsor Liaison may elect                   to ask Directors-at-large for assistance.

Section 9.   The President, the Executive Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Director of Communications, the Director of Technology and Sponsor Liaison will constitute the Executive Board of the NCRAA.

Section 10. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to handle all questions not specifically dealt with in this document and to make recommendations to the membership.

Article IV

Executive Board

 Section 1.   The Executive Board shall consist of President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Communications, Director of Technology and Sponsor Liaison. The Association and Chapter Advisor(s) and Regional Coordinator(s) (when applicable) shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting member(s).  The duties of the Executive Board shall be to handle all questions not specifically dealt with in this document; to make recommendations to the membership; and to submit an Alumni Annual Report to Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters by the stated deadline.

Section 2.   The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the chair.

Section 3.   All by-laws shall be advisory. The membership must vote on all recommendations, which to go into effect, must be approved by a simple majority of those voting.

Section 4.   A majority of members of the Executive Board present shall constitute a quorum.


Article V

Election of Officers

Section 1.   An election committee appointed by the President and chaired by the Executive Vice President will present a slate of officers for consideration and open the floor for other nominations at the last meeting preceding the election week.  All active members in good standing are eligible to become officers.

Section 2.   Installation of regularly elected officers shall take place at the spring Regional Convention. For appointed officers, installation will occur at the next general meeting. Balloting times and locations shall be designated by the Alumni Advisors at the last General Assembly meeting preceding the election.

Section 3.   Voting shall be by secret ballot by all members in good standing.  Votes may be made in person, by proxy or electronically.  If voting electronically, voting can be a simple voice vote or secret ballot vote to the alumni advisors. A simple majority of all members voting shall constitute a choice as counted by the Association Advisor or appointee.  President will only vote in the case of a tie; Association Advisors will not vote.

Section 4.   The terms of the Executive Officers shall be for two years, from annual meeting to annual meeting. The term for all Directors-at-Large shall be for two-years. The President, the Secretary shall expire on odd years. The Executive Vice President, the Treasurer, and Director of Communications and the Director of Technology and Sponsor Liaison shall expire on even years.

Section 5.   In the event a vacancy occurs in an elective office, an executive committee may be appointed, and a special election may be held to fill the vacancy. If a vacancy occurs within 6 months prior to the election date, the Executive Committee may appoint an interim officer.

Section 6.   Installation of new officers shall occur at any general meeting. Installation of appointed officers may occur at any general meeting.


Article VI

Removal from Office

Section 1.   Any elected officer who fails to maintain active membership, who fails to perform his/her/their duties, or who fails to uphold the purpose of the Society and his or her office is subject to removal.

Section 2.   The procedure for submitting charges against an officer shall be as follows:

  1. A written statement to be presented to the Executive Board and/or Association Advisor(s). This statement shall include whatever information deemed pertinent to the conflict.
  2. The Executive Board and Advisor(s) shall review these statements and provide the opportunity for each party to discuss the conflict with them.
  3. The Executive Board and Advisor shall present a recommendation to parties presenting charges and to the officer in question.
  4. If the recommendation is not acceptable to any of the involved parties, referral shall be made by the Executive Board and Advisor to the General Assembly for final appeal.

Section 3.   A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the NCRAA members shall be necessary to remove any officer; this vote shall be made by secret ballot and counted by the Association Advisor(s).

Article VII

Association Advisor

Section 1.   The NCRAA shall have one or more Advisor(s) approved by the NCRAA executive board after consultation with the Regional Coordinator. The Advisor(s) could be a chapter advisor or an alumni in good standing.

Section 2.   The Advisor(s) shall perform all duties and responsibilities as defined by Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters.

Section 3.   The check book will reside with an Association Advisor who shall have the primary duty to issue and sign checks. In the event the Association Advisor is unavailable to sign duly authorized checks, the Treasurer and/or Association President may    sign them as stated under Article III, Section 3.


Article VIII

Meetings and Fees

 Section 1.   Meetings shall be set at the discretion of the membership. An annual meeting is mandatory for the election of officers and the conducting of business. This annual meeting shall be held during the spring Regional Convention.   Additional meetings may be called by the Executive Board; members will have one week’s notice of all meetings.

Section 2.   Meetings of committees and sub-committees shall be ad-hoc. Committee meetings shall be called by the chair of the committee. Procedures at such meetings are left to the discretion of the committee chair. Reports of each meeting shall be given to the members at the following Association meeting.

Section 3.   Meetings shall be held not less than once quarterly, or every three months, following the NV/CA Regional Convention. Teleconferences must be announced not less than seven (7) days in advance; in- person meetings must be announced not less than thirty (30) days in advance.

Section 4.   Alumni Association fees shall be set by the Executive Board. All active members must pay lifetime fees to be on the alumni association roster. Honorary members will not pay fees.

Section 5.   The Treasurer shall collect all alumni association fees, when applicable.

Section 6.   All accounts held in the name of the Alumni Association shall be audited annually and an audit report presented to the General Assembly.


Article IX


Section 1.   All requests for money to be paid from Association funds must be presented in writing for the approval of the Executive Board. Approval may be obtained by mail or email from at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board.

  1. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the Treasurer with accompanying receipts.

Section 2.   All accounts held in the name of the association shall be verified annually through a written report presented to the membership by the Treasurer. The Treasurer will arrange to have a monthly statement from the bank holding the association account(s) to be shared with the Executive Board and Advisor(s).

Article X


A quorum shall consist of those members present at any announced meeting.  Association members will be provided opportunities to vote and respond electronically or by proxy.



Robert’s Rules of Order

 All meetings shall be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide publication. Any situation not covered in this document, or under consideration by the Executive Board, may be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.




Section 1.   Amendments of the by-laws shall be submitted to the President in writing for submission to the members for a vote at the next General Assembly meeting or by electronic means.

Section 2.   Notice shall be given to all active members prior to any vote to amend these by-laws of at least three weeks.

Section 3.   These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the active membership given a period of up to 2 weeks to vote electronically prior to the General Assembly meeting.

Section 4.   Amendments shall become effective upon ratification by the membership

                   and the approval by Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters.




Section 1.   These by-laws shall become effective upon:

  1. Approval by Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters after conferring with appropriate administrator(s), chapter advisor(s) or regional coordinator(s).
  2. Affirmative vote by a majority of the Association quorum.

Section 2.   Upon ratification, these by-laws shall become the governing document of this Alumni Association, superseded only by the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society by-laws, and the policies and procedures of Phi Theta Kappa.



Section 1    The Association may be dissolved one (1) year after a vote of the general membership to dissolve the Association. However, any ten (10) persons eligible for membership under these by-laws may, by unanimous vote, rescind any action to dissolve the association within one (1) year of such action and call for a reorganization meeting.

Section 2    Upon a successful vote to dissolve the Association, all funds held in its treasury and in all its accounts shall be frozen except for payment to creditors as of that date and shall be turned over in-full to the Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters within thirty (30) days of the final dissolution of the Association.

Section 3    Associations failing to comply with Phi Theta Kappa policies and procedures will be dissolved/retired.  A six-month warning will be submitted to advisors and officers to allow compliance.  

Approval Dates

Headquarter Approved: 1/19/2022

Ratification date by General Membership: 2/6/2022


To be replaced with updated plan from HQ

Phi Theta Kappa Society-Wide Code of Ethics


Phi Theta Kappa is committed to the highest ethical standards, efficient stewardship of resources, and compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Phi Theta Kappa has developed this Code of Ethics to promote these important objectives. Phi Theta Kappa’s Code of Ethics shall apply in all Organizational operations and to all employees and constituents of Phi Theta Kappa, regardless of rank or position.

These values serve as the permanent foundation upon which Phi Theta Kappa operates.

When engaged in activities or conduct associated with Phi Theta Kappa programs or business operations, all Phi Theta Kappa employees and constituents must endeavor to:

  • Promote the best interests of Phi Theta Kappa.
  • Preserve the public’s trust, respect, and confidence in Phi Theta Kappa.
  • Exhibit personal integrity, honesty, and responsibility in all actions.
  • Provide an environment of mutual respect, impartiality, and collaboration, free from harassment and discrimination of any kind.
  • Maintain confidentiality in all matters deemed confidential.
  • Assure independence of judgment free from conflicting interests.
  • Ensure that relationships that constitute or could be perceived as conflicts of interest are fully and properly disclosed and that Phi Theta Kappa policies and procedures are followed.
  • Comply with the policies and procedures of Phi Theta Kappa and applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
  • Demonstrate appropriate and efficient stewardship of Phi Theta Kappa property and resources.

Where appropriate, Phi Theta Kappa will review and address any reported violation of this Code of Ethics determined to have occurred.

The Executive Director and CEO shall establish procedures necessary to implement this policy.

Adopted November 9, 2015

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